Contact Info
e-mail: natein@gmail.com
skype: natein
My goal is to work remotely for a company or to become a freelancer.
- C#/.NET
- HTML/CSS/Javascript
- Algorithms and data structures
Code examples
Working with JSON data:
function businessNamesAndRatings(apiResult ) {
var len = apiResult.results.length;
var arr=[];
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var rating = apiResult.results[i].rating;
var name = apiResult.results[i].name;
arr.push({rating, name });
return arr;
Automation InDesign (excerpt):
Type type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("InDesign.Application.CS5", true);
dynamic app = System.Activator.CreateInstance(type, true);
string docPath = @"C:\Works\Catalog.indd";
var doc = app.Open(docPath);
var textFrame = doc.Pages.Item[1].TextFrames.Item["Code"];
textFrame.Contents = "Code: " + ProdId;
textFrame = doc.Pages.Item[1].TextFrames.Item["Price"];
textFrame.Contents = "€ " + string.Format("{0:F2}", Price);
- Omsk State University
- Stepik account
I have pre-intermediate level. I can write simple sentenses and understand slow speech.